Reaction to Dietitians

Don’t believe them. Ramazan Bingöl, President of All Restaurants and Tourism Association (TÜRES), reacted to the nutritionists and dieticians who advised that the sacrificial meat should be rested and eaten. Defending that citizens should not heed such advice, Ramazan Bingöl said, “Eat breakfast with the heart and liver of the victim.”

“I have breakfast with meat every feast”
Stating that it would not be harmful for people to have breakfast with fresh meat once a year, Ramazan Bingöl said, “I have always had breakfast with sacrificial meat in every Eid al-Adha. “Only then can we understand the spirituality of the Eid al-Adha”.

“Don’t believe most of them”
Reiterating the citizens’ call for nutritionists and dieticians not to believe many of them, Ramazan Bingöl said, “Be without you, do not believe many of them. He said, “Let it be the first sacrifice you eat for breakfast during the Feast of the Sacrifice.” 90 thousand-year-old flavor: Smoked
The smoking technique, which cooks meat with smoke without exposing it to fire, is the rising trend of the world cuisine recently. In fact, smoking, or processing with different names or smoking, is the oldest method of preserving meat since the cave period… So much so that it is known that smoking was done 90 thousand years ago.

The grace that nature offers to man and the table
Whichever tree is used in smoking, that tree gives the food its own aroma. Smoke required for smoking in smoking; It is obtained from wood chips of hardwoods with low tar such as oak, maple, beech, apple and cherry. Instead of the direct wood of these trees, their bark and shavings are used to extract smoke. It is used to add more flavor to the fumigation. On the other hand, this technique has many different benefits. Some of the pathogen-enemy substances in the smoke in the fumigation process pass into food through processing. This prevents the growth of new microorganisms. Smoked meat, as it is antimicrobial, can be stored for longer. This is the secret that smoked meat can last longer …