Recommendations to Support the Long Distance Education Process

Boundaries and Space

  • Boundaries show who you are and who you are not. It is the personal lines that direct your life. Every person needs limits and creates a comfort zone.

For the formation of borders within the family;

  • Define physical and emotional boundaries. Make clear the mother’s own space, the father’s own space, the child’s own space, the parents’ common space, the father-child’s common space, the mother-child’s common space, and the parent-child common space, both physically and emotionally.

Daily routines

  • Resume your morning routines as if your child is going to school on weekdays. For example; Make sure that the morning departure time and breakfast time continue according to the school routine.
  • Even if there is a morning dance at school, do not neglect your morning dance at home.

Planning and screen time

  • You can make daily or weekly planning. It will be a little more difficult to adapt to weekly planning at a young age. You can create a daily schedule for this. In this planning, the course hours and the time it will allocate for itself should be done together and by specifying the time. In this way, seeing the plan concretely and knowing what to do in the next time period will improve the planning skills of our children and also contribute to the children to spend their time productively.

Motivation and gamification

  • While some students quickly adapt to the online education process, some students may lose motivation in the online education process, even if they have experience from last year. In this case, children firstly need social emotional support. Knowing that you have been understood will comfort children. It is important in terms of parent-child relationship to make your child feel that you understand him and have a solution-oriented approach.