Removing Whites Facial Hair

Facial hair. No one likes dealing with it on a regular basis. But the problem gets even worse when your facial hair starts turning white. Yes, as you age, your facial hair starts graying and turning white just like the hair on your head. Does that mean it becomes more noticeable or less noticeable? Well, that differs from person to person based on their complexion. Regardless, no one likes looking ungroomed and would probably like to remove it as soon and as safely as possible. But before we look at the many ways that you can remove white facial hair, let’s look at why facial hair turns white in the first place.

What Causes Facial Hair To Turn White?

All the hair strands on your head, face, and body contain cells called melanocytes. These melanocytes produce melanin that gives color to your hair. As you grow old, the melanocytes in your hair deplete over a period of time. This causes a reduction in the level of melanin in your hair that ultimately leads to your hair turning gray. When there’s absolutely no melanin left in your hair, it turns white. There are a few factors that could lead to your hair turning white. These include:

Well, just because your facial hair has turned white doesn’t mean that you have to keep looking at it. Here are a few safe and effective ways that you can remove white hair from your face.