Roasted Brussels Sprouts

If you love deep fried Brussels sprouts, you’re going to love air fryer Brussels sprouts!

I’ve been air frying ALL the things. I’m in love with that crispy crunchy texture that the air fryer gives vegetables. It’s funny because I thought our main use for the air fryer would be for frozen french fries, but more often than not we’ve been air frying vegetables. It’s been all vegetables, all the time. Okay, and chicken, because I’m obsessed with air fried chicken.

Anyway, after the air fryer broccoli success, I knew the next vegetable I had to do was Brussels sprouts. I love how Brussels sprouts taste when roasted and I wanted to do a air fryer comparison. The result: crispy burnished leaves with tender sprouts. They’re not as soft when you air fry, unless you add extra time, but I really like vegetables with a bit of bite, so I don’t mind at all. I especially loved that I was able to have a vegan keto roasted Brussels sprout snack so quickly.