Seasonal Transitions And Our Hair

Seasonal transitions dull, tired, dull and poured hair. But do not worry, it is not difficult at all to remove these corrosive effects from your hair with simple procedures.


You may have noticed that the hair starts to fall out, lose its form and become lifeless at the turn of the season. Especially heavily processed and dehydrated hair is doomed to dryness and wear. Hair grows in some periods, and in some periods it goes through a resting and shedding phase. The spill phase usually coincides with seasonal transitions where the immune system weakens. Vitamin supplements can be used to keep the immune system strong in transition periods. Apart from tablets, the most guaranteed way for vitamins to penetrate in a shorter time and effectively is the injection method. Mesotherapy, which has been used for many years, is one of these methods. In this process, a cocktail of vitamins, blood circulation regulators, elastin, collagen triggers, and keratin building elements is injected into the scalp with a very fine needle. Another method preferred due to its good results is PRP. PRP can be called a kind of biological drug obtained from the person’s own blood. In this method, the person’s own blood is separated, the novitamin obtained by this means, the building blocks that stimulate and enrich the circulation are injected back into the hair follicles. Trichologists at the Academy Hair Therapy Center say that moisture is very important for healthy hair and adds: “The fastest way to restore the moisture it has lost to hair is to wash the hair! Even washing once or twice a week with cleansing, deep cleansing dandruff shampoo enables the hair to take in more oxygen and nutrients by opening the pores. “BEWARE OF OIL!

It is wrong to apply care oil to dry hair: “Especially those who have hair loss problems should avoid applying oil to the scalp. Oil can not absorb the water and dry more because it will clog the scalp. Also, it makes the hair heavier due to its difficult cleansing and when it is not rinsed well, the pores should be avoided. For this reason, when we want to care for the ends of the hair, choose products with limited oil content, rich in vitamin E. I also recommend masks specially developed for moisture. To increase the effectiveness of the mask, wait in the steam for 5-15 minutes or after the mask. Heat the hair with blow-dry for 3-5 minutes. You will not believe how quickly the mask applied 1-2 times a week heals your hair! ”


Experts say that people who eat protein-rich diets have healthier hair. Hair that is loaded with protein wears less and has less color loss. Omega 3 sources (salmon, spinach, eggs) taken with protein enrich the hair in terms of beneficial fatty acids, add shine to the hair and help increase the growth rate.