Serve Hot With Cheese And Melted Butter

Divide dough into four even pieces and roll into balls. Working on a wooden cutting board or a regular cutting board with a sheet of plastic wrap or parchment paper on top of it, flatten each ball down to a disk about 5-inches in diameter and 1/4-inch thick.

Melt butter in a 12-inch cast iron or non-stick skillet over medium-low heat. Add arepas and cook, moving them around the pan and rotating them occasionally, until first side is charred in spots and a dry crust has formed, about five minutes. Flip arepas and cook on second side until a dry crust has formed, about five minutes longer. Continue cooking, flipping every minute or so, until arepas are mostly dry and relatively stiff, about five minutes longer. Serve hot with cheese, melted butter, or toppings of your choice. Season dough to taste with salt, then cover and set aside for five minutes.

Special equipment
12-inch cast iron skillet or nonstick skillet