Skin Care with Yeast at Home

Each skin has its own problems. Oily skin also acne is more and lubricated while dry skin from dryness and cracks suffer . There are many natural remedies you can try to find solutions to these skin problems. These natural methods do not contain chemicals and do not harm your skin. On the contrary, the skin is seen more vivid and bright. One of them is a yeast mask . Yeast is particularly good at cleansing skin pores.

Our other product that will help yeast in this regard is carbonate. Baking soda is a very effective method for removing spots on the face. When these two miracles come together, miracles can occur. In addition, this mask has positive effects on the acne that occurs in adolescence. While you are faced with acne problem in adolescence , wrinkles and lines start to be a problem as the age progresses. You can deal with these problems with natural methods.

It has been known since ancient times that masks made with yeast work wonders on the skin. Especially in ancient Egypt, yeast was used frequently as a beauty product. Yeasts were also used to treat wounds. Yeast helps wounds heal faster. The ingredients in yeast also help regenerate cells.

Yeast Mask : 1 pack of fresh yeast, 2.3 drops of milk

Preparation and application: Mix a packet of fresh yeast with 2.3 drops of milk in a bowl. Massage the mixture on your face. The mixture will start to solidify as it stays on your face. When it solidifies well, rinse your face with warm water.

Baking soda mask : Ingredients: 1 small spoonful of baking soda, 1 small spoonful of yeast, 15 drops of water.

Preparation and application: After moistening baking soda and yeast with water, massage your face. Let the mixture sit on your face for 20 minutes. Then, clean your face with warm water. Carbonate helps to remove stains on the face and lightens the skin tone.

Skin cleansing needs to be done regularly. You can make natural honey masks for skin cleansing.

Honey mask : Ingredients: 2 teaspoons of honey, small spoonful of yogurt, small spoonful of grapefruit juice

Preparation and application: Mix the ingredients we give in a clean bowl. Massage the mixture on your face thoroughly. Leave the mixture on your face for 20 minutes and then wash with warm water.