Smoked Chicken With Alabama

I’m fortunate to live in Astoria, a neighborhood in New York that’s really four or five ethnic enclaves stacked on top of each other. Though traditionally Greek, Astoria’s also home to Italians, Egyptians, Serbians, and plenty of other ethnicities I can’t pin down yet. As you can imagine, the food here is pretty sweet.

And it better be. Astorians are finicky eaters and terrifying shoppers. To keep them happy, even modest groceries carry at least three kinds of spiced sausage, feta from six countries of origin, and enough varieties of olive oil to displace everything else in your pantry. I’ve never seen an Astorian fail to find their favorite version of some imported food, and for the sake of my the cashiers at my shops I hope I never have to.

It was while browsing the honey aisle (yes, aisle) of my local import food shop that I came up with the idea for this ice cream. A jar of pine honey caught my eye, and given how much attention Ethan and I give to honey varieties, I felt obligated to try it in some ice cream.