
Crispy, creamy, tangy, and summery all on one plate.

Yes, yes, and yes to all of three of these things right now:

Whipped feta *SO CREAMY*
Tomato salad *SUMMER DON’T LEAVE*
Let’s talk about Socca first. The origin of Socca is heavily debated between France and Italy (known as Farinata there) but one thing is certain: this simple street food made with only chickpea flour, olive oil, water, and salt is the crispy rich snacker of your dreams.

And here is how you make this meal that isn’t really a meal but also is everything a meal should be: take your piping hot freshly baked socca out of the cast iron, break it into a few crispy, chewy pieces, swoop it through a tangy dollop of herby whipped feta, and top the whole thing with a spoonful of juicy, vinegary tomato and cucumber salad on top for a crunchy finish.

I cannot get enough of this meal-that-isn’t-really-a-meal which is exactly how I like to eat in the summer.