Some Tricks Of Honey And Thyme


Thyme has been recommended for cough and respiratory infections for centuries. Today, many plant-based lozenges and cough syrups contain thyme extract. You can soak a few teaspoons of thyme in hot water for 10 minutes and drink it like tea. It is even more effective if you mix it with fresh mint.


Honey (real honey of course) is a miracle food. It is known that dark honeys such as chestnut, oak and pine are more healing. A spoonful of honey before going to bed is perfect for sleep-disturbing coughs.
But let’s say we got sick. Usually, if the condition is not another, more serious disease, fever goes away, and a runny nose too. And all that remains is that cough that sometimes lasts for weeks, keeps us and other people in the house asleep at night, and sneakily attacked us during the meeting / concert / cinema we thought we were recovering!

Of course, it is best to consult a doctor for prolonged sore throats and coughs, but we can also create natural potions and relieve symptoms with easily available ingredients.