Sour Flavors

Marinated Mackerel with apple cider vinegar

70 ml Amasya apple cider vinegar
30 ml of water
30 g sugar
5 g salt
4 mackerel fillets (without bones)
Preparation of:

Mix the apple cider vinegar, water, sugar and salt in a saucepan and put on a medium heat. Bring to a boil. Then remove the pan from the heat and let it cool to room temperature. Place the fillets fleshy side down on a plate in a single layer and cover with the pickle juice. After keeping it in the refrigerator for 1 hour, remove the mackerel and dry it. Once removed from the pickling liquid, mackerel can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

Beets Cooked with Modena Balsamic Vinegar

2 beets
20 ml extra virgin olive oil
10 g of sea salt
30 ml Modena balsamic vinegar
20 gr Artvin Honey

Preparation of:

Take 2 aluminum foils large enough to hold the beets. Put the beets in the center. Add half of the oil, salt, vinegar and honey and cover it well. Cook at 200 ° C for 30 minutes and let it cool down. Then remove the shell and cut it into wedges. Put the wedges in a bowl with the remaining balsamic vinegar.

Potato Salad with Lemon Pickles

500gr Starchy Potatoes
Salt and pepper
80 grams of strained yogurt
1/4 lemon pickle, thinly sliced
2 hard boiled eggs (chilled, peeled and chopped)
Small bunch of chives, finely chopped
Preparation of:

Rub the potatoes and put them in a pan. Cover with water, add a little salt and boil. Cook for about 30 minutes or until soft. Meanwhile, combine mayonnaise and lemon in a bowl. When the potatoes are cooked, strain them and let them cool a little so that they do not burn your fingers. Then slice the Potato and drop it into mayonnaise. Arrange on a tray and sprinkle the chopped egg and chives on top and season with salad.