Spongy Burger Bread

Obviously we prefer this in its original, perfect form, but if you’re looking to make some changes, there are always OPTIONS.

How to make it gluten-free: We tried this flour and the results were great. A hard crust formed on the outside and the inside was soft, airy, and a teeny bit spongy – close to the real thing. Some downsides: the bread didn’t rise as much as the regular version and, of course, it didn’t have quite the same flavor.
How to make it whole wheat: This is very similar to the original version. The texture of the dough was the same, it rose the same, and it looked the same coming out of the oven with its hard crust. The inside texture was denser with not as many air pockets. The flavor was a little bitter and texture was a bit gritty, but to be expected with whole wheat flour.
How to add some flavor: Use whatever herbs that sound delicious to you! Mix them in the beginning to avoid kneading later.
How to make it CHEESY: We’ve got a recipe for that! Check out our No Knead Cheese Bread.