Street Does Not Change The Trend Of Fashion: High Bun!

Street Fashion street fashion photos and just doesn’t give us inspiration on how to dress. Us with street wear inspired styles, they can give ideas about hairstyles. When we look at street fashion photos, hairstyles, often we face one of the most remarkable of them… there are high knobs. Ready for the heat of summer was approaching, while taking inspiration from street fashion style all about? High Knob will look very stylish and thanks to you in this hot weather but also not you are going to keep your hair away from your neck.

High Knob to the hair if you are uncertain on how to apply this hairstyle, let’s say that the application is quite easy. You need to collect a few ingredients in the form of a high bun your hair: hair rubber, sponge clip bun, a few bobby pins, a comb and hair spray thin…

If your materials are ready if you are ready to make street fashion hairstyle knob so high fashion! Let’s get right to it…

  1. Step

Bows in your hair thoroughly and brush. All hair spray then apply it to your hair. Brush your hair again. The electrification of you doing this to your hair, it will make your hair model by preventing the collapse of more permanent.

  1. Step

Gather your hair in a ponytail at the height you want. Our advice, you should skew your hair into a ponytail after one hill.


  1. Step

Sponge clip bun connect them to your ponytail. Thus, you will be able to get quite a voluminous bun.

  1. Step

Wrap around your hair in a bun, and pin your hair by wearing buckles secure the knob to the bottom of a single.

  1. Step

If you have damaged hair hair straighten the hair with hair spray and crumbling. You are ready to go!