Suitable For All Skin Types Mask Homemade Suggestions

Beauty secrets continues with our homemade mask suggestions. At extra cost, just a perfect view in your home that you can prepare with ingredients you can have homemade masks.

Cocoa Mask

About getting mask with cocoa? Cocoa extremely moisturizing, skin soothing and nourishing properties you can benefit from. This quarter mask recipe for avocado, 1 tablespoon honey and 1 tablespoon of cocoa mix and you must apply to your skin. You can rinse your skin with warm water after 10 minutes approach.

Honey Mask

Honey is a natural antibacterial. It moisturizes your skin, fights acne and also shines. Among the secrets of beauty, a honey mask is of great importance. It also tightens the skin pores of the skin barrier and helps to shrink these miraculous nutrients. 1 cup brewed and cooled 1 tablespoon of the mixture and add honey to your skin you can take chamomile tea. After 5-10 minutes, you must durulamal your face.

Banana Mask

If you want your skin to appear healthy and radiant, you can evaluate the banana mask. Banana mask which is a great option for all skin types, easily prepared and can be applied. You can take half a banana puree to your skin. You must purify the mask after 10 minutes.

Papaya Mask

Situated among the most talked about, and beauty secrets of recent times, you won’t believe the effects of papaya mask! This mask, which is especially effective for hyperpigmentation, sun spots and uneven skin tones to improve the skin’s moisture balance can provide. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with half a cup of papaya puree, you have to put your face in slow motions. You should wash your face with warm water after 15 minutes maximum.