From Soil To Service Plates : Sweetcorn Fritters

2x 200g (7oz) cans of sweetcorn
4 sliced spring onions
4 tablespoons of gram flour
1 teaspoon of paprika
Handful of fresh coriander
20ml water
Juice of half a lime
1 tablespoon of olive oil
pinch of salt
pinch of pepper
Drain one tin of sweetcorn.
Finely slice the spring onions and coriander.
Add the sweetcorn, spring onions, coriander, gram flour, paprika, salt and pepper, olive oil, water and lime juice to a food processor and blend until a chunky mixture forms.
Drain the other tin of sweetcorn and stir this into the mixture.
Heat a glug of olive oil in a pan, then scoop in spoonfuls of the sweet corn mixture.
Cook on a medium heat for about 5 minutes on each side, until the fritters are golden brown. You will need to do this in batches. Don’t be tempted to cook them on a higher heat to speed up the process as they will burn on the outside without cooking through the middle!
these sweetcorn fritters couldn’t be quicker and easier to make. they make a great breakfast served with some smashed avocado or add then to a lunch bowl alongside your favourite salads and some sweet potato wedges!