Take Time Back 5 Years With Stem Cell Therapy

  • The method, which is applied by reproducing and injecting the part taken from the person’s own tissues in a laboratory environment, is preferred due to its strong effects.
  • The application takes the time 5-10 years back while removing all damage to the skin, especially for those who are afraid of the thought of surgery.
  • You have looked at the calendar, the years have passed. As time passed, it took away many things from your skin, leaving wrinkles, spots, and roughness in its place. You are left alone in the mirror with the reality of aging. Looking at your youth photographs and sighing, you have decided to do something for yourself. Of course, there are many aesthetic and cosmetic applications. Especially the thought of having surgery scares you, you can try stem cell therapy if you want an intervention that will repair all the damage of your skin, erase the traces of time and take you back 5-10 years, while doing all these things that will not disturb your naturalness.


  • With the aging of the skin, the number of stem cells called fibroblasts in the skin decreases and they lose their ability to produce new collagen and elastin. As a result, a skin that looks collapsed, sagged, wrinkled and dull appears. The aim of stem cell therapy is to increase the number of fibroblasts in the skin. A piece of tissue taken from an area of the person that has not been exposed to sunlight (often behind the ear) is reproduced for 4-6 weeks in a culture prepared with the person’s own blood in a laboratory environment.


  • This method, which provides regeneration with the person’s own texture, can be used for lip plumping, eliminating wrinkles, rejuvenating the skin, as well as removing scars such as hair loss, stretch marks, acne scars, burns and surgery. The expected effect begins to be seen 1 month after the injection. This is because time is needed for the cells injected into the skin to settle and produce new collagen and elastin and regenerate the skin.