Tasty Juicy Meat

If you can only find sad pork chops at the store, you can still make juicy pork chops, just don’t overcook them. Prep them the same way, then cook at 375°F for 8-9 mins, flipping halfway.
What should I serve with air fryer pork chops?
rice: pork chops and rice is one of my all time favorite combos and the green sauce with rice is life

smooth and creamy mashed potatoes: who doesn’t love potatoes and pork?

mac and cheese: those creamy cheezy noodles go so well with pork!

kale with burrata: leafy greens braised in tomato sauce with some rich burrata might be the best paring ever

If you’re wondering which air-fryer we have, it’s this one. I don’t know if it’s the best on the market because it’s the only one we’ve used, but it works great. It’s quiet and easy to clean and really big (which is good because you can put a lot of food in it and bad because it takes up a lot of room in our place).