Tasty Peppermint Mocha

Is it just me or have peppermint mochas taken over December life?

There is just no fighting it – it’s early morning, it’s cold outside, the wool mittens have made their annual appearance, Christmas music is pumping. Like, AS IF there is any restraint when it comes to a Peppermint Mocha pit stop. As if.

The baristas always get a little annoyed with me because I’m one of those people who has a super particular order that takes at least 15 sentences to communicate (full fat, no whip, and half the amount of syrup and chocolate) (if you’re a barista, I’m so sorry for my ways), but nevertheless, the December morning peppermint mocha is always, always, always worth it.
I’ve developed something of a habit, which is great, but it also means that I now cannot start my day without a peppermint mocha. (Or Cashew Coffee. Or an Oatmilk Honey Latte. Just really any hot cozy drink.) I mean, like, even if it’s totally ridiculous and out of my way to find one, it must be done. This is my dilemma.