The 3 Beauty Rules You Need to Break

They say rules are meant to be broken, and the beauty world is no exception. When you start researching the dos and don’ts of primping, you discover that while some rules can be useful and even vital (ahem, daily SPF…), others may be setting you back. Whether it’s covering up a blemish with an unexpected tool or going against once-perennial hair commandments, we asked five beauty experts to give us the lowdown on the beauty vows we should start to break. It’s time to release your inner beauty rebel.


Contouring was a big deal in the beauty for a while (thanks to a certain Kardashian…), with its face sculpting effect and seemingly flawless finish. It was less ‘I woke up like this’ and more ‘I have been photo-shopped like this’. But makeup master,  believes the contour movement is officially out, declaring he is over faux cheekbones. “It is so over the top that people do it really wrong – there is a time and place for it and basically right now contouring isn’t necessarily in,” he says. Namely, we’re now making a conscious effort to revert back to a more natural look instead. “Enhance your natural beauty, rather than trying to change it.  Contouring should be a no-go zone.”



We all tend to unconsciously stay within our comfort zones when it comes to makeup, and buy products accordingly. But, getting out of your makeup rut just requires a little thinking outside the square, or palette, of your beauty product repertoire. As  outlines, sometimes it is better to be a rule breaker, rather than a rule maker. “Is there a rule? For me there’s never any rules,” she says. “Wear a bold lip with a smoky eye if you really want to. Just make it look the best you can, without having set rules.”



Skip a day, or several.  Over-washing your hair can strip it of its natural oils, leaving you prone to a flaky, itchy scalp and brittle, lifeless strands. Renowned hair stylist,  even suggests that those with unruly, frizzy hair should consider ditching shampoo altogether. “I haven’t washed my hair in two weeks. You need to let your natural oils breathe, otherwise your hair will misbehave,” she says. “Begin by limiting washes to three times a week, maximum.”