The 60-30-10 Rule Is The Basis Of The Decoration

What’s with the colors? If it disappears between the walls with many different kinds of paint, fabric swatches if can get this in a very simple rule, we will focus on looking at you. 60-30-10 rate!

The decoration isn’t; there’s this balance every thing that appears on the basis of the aesthetic. The perfect photo frame, in literary works in history, famous paintings, sculptures, and even the floral arrangement in the understanding of classical beauty; in the space that occupies the place of the object, color and material distribution are shaped by a rule to tip the balance. From here, the choice of the decoration is the most important stage of colours which you can decide quickly.

The first house for 60% of the color, you must choose! Do you want to create the feeling of the general atmosphere? Comfortable and peaceful pastel, neutral hues for? White and beige Rosa? Ambitious, dark gray, red, or purple? Otherwise, dynamic and warm colors? The first colour you choose will include large areas of wall paint, floors, carpet, and large furniture such as…

In the second step, 30% of the color. Remember, this election is about 60% can create a new character or color can support located. You will use the fields; chair, table, coffee table of the house, such as the most dominant points. If you love smooth transitions, ton-sur-ton choices you can make. You can create contrast with the tones or contrast.

And now, the cream of the cake! 10 %throttle throw pillows, decorative objects and also accessories such as walks, window sill, table leg, details like the cap of the lamp, a third choice of color, a little light into the atmosphere, glow you can think of to add. A little hint if you want; if it’s the tone of the first two colors on each other, there must be a touch darker here; but up to 30% if you’re a striking contrast created in me the details keep quiet.

Check the samples to create your own color palette and we have now chosen for you!

60 %light gray, 30% of powder pink, 10% off-white

60 %for Melon, 30% Brown, 10% of beige / up to 60% in petrol green, 30% mustard, 10% of white

60 %and shades of Grey, 30% white, 10%, natural oak