The Expulsion Of The Times Of Cosmetic Products

Makeup for effective and lasting products and the correct methods should be used. Quality cheap products is damaging to our skin. In addition, from the time of expulsion old cosmetic ingredients will damage the skin.

We use the continuous bulk buy makeup with interest, as the cost is very harmful for your health even if at a low price. Because the resistance is close to each product for a certain period. The fat content in the cream are those with a life span of more than those with water content. Liquid-containing creams microorganisms are affected more quickly. A warm and bright environment to remain in a quicker degradation causes excessive makeup. Do not use your makeup deteriorating and last time, throw it in the trash.

The life of the lipstick approximately 2-3 years. Hot weather, especially in the summer in lipstick blisters. This is normal, but if you need to throw your lipstick very kuruduy in the garbage.

Your foundation is the life span of 2-3 years. He lay shaking on the bottom and the oil formed the foundation you can use.

Liquid eyeliner is not very durable ones. After opening can dry out if not used for a long time. Normal life span is 3 years.

Under-eye concealers the life of 1-2 years. Life is shorter than compact ones, because they can dry out.

The use of powder and Rouge the duration is longer. Water-resistant ones can be used for a long time, but quickly deteriorates when exposed to the air field and heat products.

It may take 2 years for the duration of the headlights. Drying and cracking headlights began to deteriorate.

If nail Polish is used is based on up to two years. Open and unused nail Polish begins to deteriorate.

Perfumes can last for about 2 years. Perfumes exposed to heat and heat more quickly deteriorates. Helps perfume last longer, store in a cool place.

The life of sunscreen 6 months is too short a time. Especially products that belong to the previous year should not be used. Products that are exposed to the sun too quickly because are damaged.

Moisturizing creams, omitting, can last up to 3 years. Creams to deteriorate very quickly begins to open and unused. Generally tube-shaped ones in contact with the air because there are a lot more durable.