The Ordeal Of The Summer: Does Your Foundation Do Not Allow Your Flow!

In summer, the heat, together with non-smudging, non-perishable began the search for makeup. “In the heat of summer makeup is a type of…” Don’t say it. No matter the season, is going to need to do makeup. In everyday life we can manage without makeup. However, the meeting invitation, makeup on special occasions such as wedding ceremonies is inevitable. At such Times, also, we looked into what you can do for your makeup flow.

Different techniques, with minor modifications, non-smudging makeup is able to capture. On the other hand, the ordeal of the summer months of the foundation and face makeup to stop the flow of let you come along.

Hard and non-smudging summer Makeup

  1. A different type of makeup in order to prevent your foundation, take advantage of your bleeding technique: Baking make-up. Make up Baking makeup can be translated into our language as your cook. After applying foundation, transparent powder your face without lifting your skin liberally syrup never allow. After 15 minutes, the more complete your makeup with a brush and powder. Flowing from your face so your makeup will stay on for a longer time and it will look dull.
  2. During the summer moisturizer and your foundation that you use water-based ones. Due to the effects of hot weather, your skin, can produce more sebum. In this case, oil-based products if you use your own makeup for your skin would be more difficult to secure. Water-based moisturizer, wait for it to be absorbed by your skin. The water-based foundation and apply on your face sit and wait for it to be absorbed. Lastly, powder, and eye-complete your lip makeup.
  3. Mixed and oily skin if you have on your skin before makeup as a primer/primer you might want to use. Effective matting primer/primer; flow and helps keep your makeup matte appearance for a longer time.
  4. Summer makeup doesn’t like to rush, slowly, without straining your skin and makeup. The products that you are going in hard and fast on your face and speeds up blood circulation raises the temperature of your skin. This also causes it not to appear as you want even more, when applying your makeup.
  5. Before the summer is over your hair, then your makeup. Hot processes that you can apply to your hair, you can warm up the makeup on your face. This is also more to flow from your makeup to sit on your face may be the cause.
  6. Powdered let me be your closest friend. Don’t forget the bag a little powder. Some pudralamak your makeup to get together, you will handle a few more hours.

Le flow it is possible to prevent small measures your makeup. Where there is your foundation from your makeup unbroken never have summer!