The Right Carpet Beautifies Your Home!

  • How to choose the right carpet? What should be considered when choosing a carpet? Do not make the wrong choices while trying to match the decoration and color. Carpet is one of the most important elements of a room. So what are the tips for choosing a carpet?
  • Carpets covering our living spaces with different texture, color and pattern options; it is no longer just a comfort we feel under our feet.
  • Adding artistic touches to the space with eye-catching patterns, animating boring areas with their vibrant colors, adding depth to the room with their textures, sometimes creating a focal point and sometimes a background, soft floor coverings take their place in our homes as a basic element that complements the decoration.
  • The key point here is just to choose the right carpet that matches the structure and general decoration of the room! Remember, you can beautify your living spaces by choosing the right carpet.
  • First of all, you should decide whether you want to use the carpet as a background for your decoration in your home or as a focal point that determines the decoration. • If you want, you can choose a neutral or very light patterned carpet in neutral tones or a wall-to-wall carpet, and you can use your carpet as a simple background element.
  • However, the use of patterns in carpets has become more popular day by day for those who want to sign their own signature on their spaces. Because patterned carpets add a unique theme to the room, often creating the focal point of the room and displaying an appearance as if it was specially designed for the room.
  • In this way, you can reflect your personality and soul to your space with the colors and patterns you choose on the carpet, and you can even determine the carpet you will use in your home by making special patterns and forms.


  • When choosing the right carpet, carpet size and form, it is necessary to pay attention to the place where the carpet will be used. If you use a large carpet in a small square meter room, the space will seem narrower than it is. For this reason, you should choose your carpet after choosing and placing your furniture. In choosing the form, you should choose according to the style of your furniture and the style of your decoration.
  • If you do not want your carpet to remain under your furniture, you can choose square or circular shaped designs, or you can choose a rectangular carpet according to the style and form of your dining table.
  • Natural and synthetic fibers are used in carpet manufacturing. The most used natural fibers are wool, silk and floss. Wool gives a matte or semi-dull appearance and has a warm touch. It creates a cooling effect in hot weather. Silk is a shiny fiber with a cooler touch. Floss also finds wide usage area with its structure similar to silk which is a very expensive material and being more economical.
  • The negative side of silk is that its cost is high. Felting may occur when washed flush. Wool shows superior properties in terms of usability. The synthetic fibers used are polymers such as acrylic, polyester, polypropylene and polyamide. These fibers have some properties of natural fibers.
  • It can be said that acrylic and polyamide are closer to wool. Especially acrylic fiber is very useful, hot-touched and long-lasting. Fibers such as polypropylene and polyester do not like water very much due to their felting feature and are not as long-lasting as acrylic.