The Rising Technology Trend İn The Beauty World: Make-Up On Video Calls

There is a digital transformation in the cosmetics sector that accelerates especially with the pandemic … Many people still continue to work remotely within the scope of the fight against the epidemic. For many who work remotely and attend online meetings during the day, it is difficult to get rid of pajamas and dress well. This makes home workers look less well-groomed and tired day by day.

The cosmetics company based in France created the augmented reality filter ‘Signature Face’, which it calls ‘virtual makeup’, as a solution to this problem. With this application, make-up products of the company are introduced. The new filters are available for free via Instagram, Snapchat, Snap Camera and Google Duo. The company explains why they made this move by saying, “We’re introducing a brand new modern makeup experience.” The application, which is especially marketed as a way to color the view of video calls, plans to create an interactive interaction for the shopping journey and user experience of the consumer.