Thyme Is A Symbol

Antiquity Heritage Healing: Thyme
Thyme, a plant species used by mankind since ancient times, is a symbol of nobility, courage and wealth. Betül Pak, an academic at the Department of Vegetable and Animal Production at Tavas Vocational High School at Pamukkale University, stated that Denizli is the capital of the world in thyme production. Pak said, “These days when we approach nature and nature due to coronavirus, we can make and use cleaning materials with thyme oil and oregano juice in our home. One of our bedside plants should be thyme with its natural scent and relaxing feature.”

Pamukkale University Tavas Vocational High School Plant and Animal Production Department lecturer Betül Pak made a statement about the thyme production in the city and its benefits. Pak, Denizli thyme needs of the world 75 percent, he said that Turkey meets the 90 percent. Pak noted that they are continuing scientific research and studies at Tavas Vocational High School in order to improve thyme production in the city.

Stating that thyme has been used by humanity since ancient times, Pak said, “Thyme is a plant that has a history of thousands of years and was the symbol of nobility, courage and wealth in ancient times. In ancient Greece, it is seen that incense was used in temples because of its fragrance, as an antitrust remover in humans and as a repellent of insects in homes, and in ancient Egypt, it was used in mummy making by taking advantage of its germicidal and protective properties, and it is included in the prescriptions on the tablets belonging to the Mesopotamian Civilization period.