Time To Go To The Kitchen To Feed Your Skin

The issue of the skin beauty and health. From a skin specialist in this regard, both the suggestions we received from nutrition experts to share with you our journey we have started. If we ask why both skin and also knocked on the door of nutrition experts, the answer is simple: the skin, tissue maintained both externally and internally. It’s time to go to the kitchen to feed your skin. We are starting to feed your skin.

Come In The Kitchen To Feed Your Skin

Your Refrigerator Review
A refrigerator is one of the things that we use to keep food fresh longer immutable. You don’t need a genius to describe, but “keeping it fresh” emphasis on the part that we wouldn’t. Designed to keep food fresh, these items can be stored for 2-3 years, and the expiration date is too far in history plenty of packaged food is available. Clear your fridge slowly. Make sure to leave of packed products to fresh produce. Sweet fruits and natural fruit juices needs; the need for the cucumber snack, you can add vegetables such as celery. Nuts do not ignore the importance to keep.

Feed your skin with vitamins
vitamin C, is used in the field of beauty and maintenance. Depending on the season, kiwi, strawberry, tangerine, orange, Yesil remember to take plenty of vitamin C from fruits and vegetables such as jalapeno peppers.
Iron, very important for the health of your skin combined. Fresh spinach, eggs, fish, there’s plenty of iron and dried fruits. Do not iron skin and nail health foods missing from your kitchen for drinking.
Vitamin E is famous for delaying the aging process. You can eat a handful of nuts every day from drinking the vitamin E.

To make innovative
and classic cooking techniques and food preparation put aside your habits in the kitchen to be open to innovative.
1. Fresh spinach salad: wash and dry the fresh spinach in abundance. Chop sun-dried apricots. Sprinkle with some crumbled walnuts. Add a little cheese if you wish. Then flavored with lemon and olive oil. Spinach is cooked before it is too great.
2. Mango pudding: mangoes are ripe throw it into a blender, add juice and some coconut oil on it. Chop until desired consistency. Then get a container and decorate it for the service and enjoy your meal. You can make this recipe with peaches. It is a healthy dessert.
3. Omelets flax seed: flax seed undigested this time to prepare your omelet. Thus, you will receive omega fatty acids in your body, and also it would make your bowels happy.
4. Coolness watermelon: Watermelon and ice to throw into through the mincer. Packed fruit juice you don’t need at all.

Note minerals
circulatory system, muscles, and hence the skin is very important. You must have heard of celebrities who washes face with mineral water. Both wash your face with mineral water, mineral water 2 bottles per day, you can drink.

Prebiotics and probiotics
Foods, vitamins, minerals and our intestines have a lot to our stomachs on the absorption by our body. Our intestinal flora that varies, and prebiotics and probiotics to support this diversity consume on a regular basis will be very good for your health and your skin and body secretions. Remember to be careful and restrained about it. Measure 1 cup a day will be sufficient.

Learn cooking techniques,
foods, some slow, some fast are cooked. When thoroughly cooked, some raw vegetables, some light should be kalmali. Pressure cookers, ovens and other cooking appliances on the recommendations read. Cooking techniques that are telling the truth. Have confidence in them.

Not just your food to be full, to be useful to you select. Thus, you have taken a great step in the name of healthy eating.