Tips For Creating The Air Of The Forest In The House

Between yourself and your little friend plants for a lush ‘jungle’ about the atmosphere? Here’s an air in the living area of the Amazon, which will bring you peace of contains tips overdose. Create the mood of a forest in the House!

Domestic animals and plants live together, you can make a pleasant environment. At least you can claim as a cat for a home that needed a list of; wood furnishings, colorful flower pots, bamboo accessories, and mesh textures. Capturing the balcony of the House of the forest in the air don’t forget!

A healthy environment for animals and plants design

Dogs and cats don’t forget that each plant can be found in the same environment. Some species can cause harm to your little friend. Toxic plant that contains aloe, dracaena leaves, similar to corn, foalfoot, oleander, and it is for pets blacklisted. Who doesn’t want more water and rapidly growing ribbon flower, areca and spacious rooms are perfect in the environment that cleans the air, high humidity and low light plants Fern surging among the innocent. Detailed information about toxic and allergenic plants for decoration but you still forming from a vet without handles.

Bored, thirsty, and looking good water your plant cat grass and leaves little naughty on our proposal for nanegiller. In addition to that you can grow grass seed in a pot plants will come through. Cats and beneficial for the digestive system! ‘Catmint’ of minors in a favorite plant variety. Specially catnip but if you can’t find fresh, you can grow mint Yesil.

Be careful when positioning the pots and plants

There may be minor accidents during the game at home. Place pots on top of a coffee table so small or avoid. Singer fern plants, you can sarkitabi sukulent types from the ceiling. Thus, the plants are not destroyed and the green space, you’ll be deployed in the most natural way. You can choose natural textured pots for plants.


Finally, don’t forget that you are keen to enjoy her as much as you do. Create a decorative corner can claim. Built with ropes, the high platform or a nap under the table hammocks and dynamism that can do both will bring natural decoration will make your little friend happy.