Tips for Treating Acne and Oily Skin

With oily skin and acne, you’re probably not always in love with your skin. But oily skin isn’t all bad. One bonus—your oily skin is less prone to wrinkling than dry skin types.

Still, oily skin, and the acne breakouts that often come with it, can be frustrating. With the right care, you can tame oily shine, improve acne, and learn to embrace your skin type.

Cleanse Face at Least Twice a Day

A simple way to keep oily skin in check is to cleanse your face regularly. Wash your face twice a day, both morning and night.

Use a foaming soap or facial cleanser over cream-based or lotion cleansers. Foaming cleansers do a much better job cleansing away excess oil and leave your skin feeling fresh and clean.

Use an Astringent

An astringent is another good way to control oil. Astringents are like toners, except they are made especially for oily skin types. Astringents help remove excess oil from the skin and tighten the pores (temporarily, at least).

To use, apply to a cotton ball or cotton pad and wipe over the entire face and neck area. Do this after cleansing but before applying your moisturizer or topical acne medications.

Astringents are also great to use between washings to clean away excess oil and get rid of oily shine that appears during the day. Some astringents contain ingredients, like glycolic acid or salicylic acid that can help clear breakouts, too.