Tokyo Food Jurney

Where and What to Eat in Tokyo?
So, you’re planning on going to Tokyo? You’ve found the best place to stay in Tokyo and now you want to find some great food places. First off, congrats! I’m so jealous. Tokyo is one of my all time favorite cities. There is so much to do, so much to see, and most importantly, so much to eat. Check out a Tokyo city guide before you go to make sure you don’t miss out on any cool things to do. Tokyo has it all, from hole in the wall gyoza places to high-end Michelin sushi bars. If you’re planning on going to Tokyo and are staying in something like these hotels in Shinjuku, plan on eating, because eating is half the fun.
A quick note on planning: keep your expectations low. I don’t mean that the food is going to be bad – quite the opposite in fact: the food is going to blow your mind. It’s the expectation that you’ll be able to find the places that you want to eat at that most likely won’t be met. The addresses in Tokyo are very, very peculiar. Don’t forget to look up if you’re looking for a restaurant. Many times they’re tucked away on the second floor or higher. Not everything’s at street level. In fact, I’d say that a large majority of places aren’t. Google Maps helps if you have internet. And if you don’t, most people are friendly enough to help you out, as long as they’re not in the middle of something.