Tomato And Cucumber

4 green (6-ounce; 170g) mangoes (see note), peeled, halved, and pitted
Fresh juice from 1 lime
Alguashte, for sprinkling
Kosher salt

Arrange the peeled mango halves on a plate. Squeeze lime juice all over, then generously top with alguashte. Season with salt and serve.

Green mangoes are different from merely underripe mangoes: They’re picked from the tree while still crisp and fully sour. They are often sold at markets that specialize in Central American ingredients, though depending on where you live and shop, they may be hard to find. If you can’t locate true green mangoes, try to find the most underripe mangoes you can. Also note: Green mangoes are typically a smaller, palm-sized variety, not the huge one-pound Tommy Atkins mangoes that predominate at most American markets. If you do use a Tommy Atkins, just one or two fruits should suffice.

Make-Ahead and Storage
This dish is best made right before serving.