Traditional Taste

‘Ramadan kahkesi’, a kind of bagel made only in the month of Ramadan, has become the indispensable flavor of sahur and iftar tables in Gaziante. Sahur has become the indispensable flavor of tables. People living in the city prefer Ramadan coffee, also known as Aleppo coffee, due to its special aroma, increasing the feeling of satiety and the flavor it leaves on the palate. The coffee is sold for 20 lira per kilo; It is made with flour, molasses, mahaleb, milk and oil. Ahmet Çınarlı, who has been running a pastry shop for many years, said that Ramadan coffee is special to Gaziantep and said, “Ramadan coffee is our special product. It comes out only in Ramadan. “Ramadan coffee is what Ramadan pita is for Istanbul. We are very pleased with our sales. Gaziantep is a city of taste and our people cannot give up this coffee because it attaches importance to taste”.

Citizens also stated that coffee produced only in the month of Ramadan is a tradition and that they always have it at their tables during iftar and sahur times.