Try Sweet Potato

You guys, the strange thing about this sweet potato casserole is that it is very much a dessert, but never once in my Thanksgiving career have I experienced this being served as anything other than a completely luscious side dish to accompany the mashed potatoes and gravy, turkey, green bean casserole, and soft white dinner rolls. It just works. It’s that one little pre-dessert side that you might even like more than your real dessert.

This is a recipe that my mom has been making for years, and she got it from one of her friends who has been making it for years before that, and there is a reason is has become a mainstay at Thanksgiving.

First, let’s talk toppings.

I like to Easy Button my life whenever possible, so I just toss those pecans, flour, butter, and brown sugar in my food processor and give it a go-round till it makes that crumbly, streusel-like topping that we know and love.