Try This Cooking Method

An 18-piece CorningWare baking set designed to last long so you can enjoy casseroles, stuffed peppers, and homemade bread for years to come.
A handy candy thermometer since 2021 is the year you attempt tempered chocolate, homemade caramel, and deep frying donuts, and you need to get them to the *perfect* temperature.This thing saved my life when it came to making fudge and caramel! Reasonably priced and cleanup is easy.I had forgotten how great cooking in CorningWare was. I enjoy using it because it bakes evenly and cleans up well.A set of five stainless-steel mixing bowls with matching airtight lids so you can save your extra batter instead of having to deal with three dozen cupcakes staring at you, begging to be eaten in one sitting.They are perfect! There are five sizes, so you don’t have to worry about using one bowl that’s too big or too small. And having lids makes storing things easy.