Turkey’s first Gastronomy Discovery Platform

Metro CEO in the relevant assessment Turkey Sinem Türüng “Metro as Turkey, Turkish cuisine for over 30 years and its values ​​and to protect future generations, we continue to work vigorously in order to transfer. Our suppliers, our producers, our customers and our employees, together with Turkey for ‘best’ in order to make that determination invests trying to uncover the vast potential that the owner of Turkish cuisine. We see gastronomy as one of the most important values ​​that will contribute to many areas from economy to tourism in our country. From this perspective, Gastronometro Turkey’s first gastronomic discovery platform with investment cost of approximately 2.4 million euros in 2015, we have implemented. In the five years since its establishment, Gastronometro; While developing more than 2,500 products with R&D studies, 17 master chiefs brought together 1,500 industry professionals, and reached approximately 3,400 people with the training they gave. Thus, it served as a meeting point for all parties of the sector from chefs to students, suppliers to restaurant and hotel operators, from taste enthusiasts to gastronomy writers and researchers. We will continue our efforts with the same determination as we have done so far so that Turkish cuisine and its values ​​can reach the point they deserve all over the world. ” said.