Unexpected Food Waste

Sometimes it is necessary to face the facts in order to act. From time to time, we may feel like it doesn’t matter what we do as individuals in the face of the size of the numbers and the data. However, we know that with every decision we make, we affect not only ourselves but the entire ecosystem. We live in a period in which human beings shape nature. There are so many steps each of us can take …

According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization,

More than 820 million people in the world are starving.

Every year 1,300,000,000 tons of food is wasted .

Enough food goes to waste every year to feed the hungry people fourfold.

Approximately 14 percent of the food produced is lost before it even reaches the point of sale.

Even as you were reading this sentence, 200,000 kg of food was wasted.

Food waste consumes the world’s resources.

The lost food causes 1.5 billion tons of greenhouse gas equivalent to carbon dioxide.

Annually, 75 billion cubic meters due to losses in grain and pulses; 74 billion cubic meters of water is wasted due to the loss in vegetables and fruits.

Every year 715 million hectares of land are used to produce meat and animal products that are thrown away without consumption.

38 percent of the total energy consumption in the global food system is spent producing food that is lost or wasted.

The monetary value of food losses is more than $ 400 billion.