Use Casserole In Thanksgiving

The sweet potato mixture is as easy as mixing up a muffin batter – it starts with sweet potatoes (canned, which I know seems so retro and perfect and that’s because it is – I’ve made this with non-canned sweet potatoes, and the weight of baked or boiled sweet potatoes is just too heavy, trust me on this one), and then eggs, butter, milk, sugar, and vanilla.

It’s that easy. Mix and pour that mixture into a pan, and then top it with your beloved crumble.
You’re going to bake this guy for 30-45 minutes to get that topping nice and crispy, and then?

The moment of Thanksgiving sweet potato casserole truth.
The soft and sweet bottom layer + the crunchy and nutty top layer work their magic together to make the best sweet potato casserole that you could ever want for your Thanksgiving side-dish domination.

I can’t wait for you to love this one.