Use Clear Containers

One easy way to ensure you stick to your system and keep everything in its place is to invest in a few shallow clear containers. These are super helpful at helping to corral your stuff and keep like items together. Label each one by type of food or expiration date.

Not only will clear containers help you keep a solid framework for your organization, but they’re much simpler to remove and clean than an entire shelf.


Keep a List

If you want to take your organizational skills to the next level, consider tacking up a dry erase sheet to your fridge. This allows you to keep a running tally of what you have in your fridge without sifting through it. This doesn’t need to be a comprehensive list of every single item, but it can be helpful to write down which side veggies you bought this week or what meat products will be going bad soon.

This way, you can easily see what ingredients you’re missing and keep track of expiration dates so you can make a plan to use everything you buy.

Keeping your refrigerator organized may take a little more effort, but it’s worth the time it takes upfront to save money and brain space later. A few key steps can help your food last longer and get dinner on the table quicker.