Use Corn Starch to Get Rid of Armpit Odor

We all know how embarrassing people who emit a bad odor can be.
Sweating to get rid of body heat is a natural effect of the body. However, people with excessive sweat are referred to as hyperhidrosis . This is also an indication of a disorder. Growing bacteria cause bad odors. These bacteria can grow rapidly in humid environments.

Other factors that cause bad body odor can be listed as follows:

Poor hygiene, diabetes, nutritional deficiencies, thyroid , spicy foods, genetic metabolic diseases, chronic constipation, liver disease, drugs, excessive caffeine intake, some types of fabric are among the causes.
Sweating is a natural process and can occur with exercise or stress. When perspiration comes into contact with bacteria on the skin, a problem may arise, experts call this situation dead cells.
We all usually use antiperspirant lotions or deodorants to get rid of this bad smell. Antiperspirant lotions contain aluminum chloride, trying to reduce the amount of sweat produced. Deodorants, on the other hand, are not antiperspirant, but removing bad odor. Because these products are made of chemicals, they can cause skin allergies or rashes. It may always be a more logical idea to take precautions with natural remedies for this. For example; Did you know that cornstarch has a great property to get rid of your underarm odors? Corn starch is a very common kitchen ingredient. Although mainly used in bread making, these pantry items go beyond their uses, surprisingly contributing to its sunburn cure, oily skin treatment, blemishes on clothes, the treatment of burns, as a dry shampoo, as a facial cleanser, and to kill insects or pests at home as it shows many benefits. Now take a look at tips to get rid of your bad smelling armpit with cornstarch. As usual, dry your armpits after bathing. Then rub cornstarch on your armpits, then apply alcohol. Apply excessive powder, powder application will reduce sweat and odor build-up. Remember to wash your armpits daily. You can also sprinkle cornstarch on your shoes. This process will help you get rid of your stinky shoe odors by providing sweat absorption.

You can make a cutting blackberry effect by mixing cornstarch with a baking powder. When baking soda is applied to the armpit, it absorbs the sweat and kills bacteria, almost acting as a deodorant.

Corn starch is a great ingredient for preparing a natural deodorant with its ability to absorb moisture. You can also make your own deodorant. How Does?
Needed materials:
3 tablespoons cornstarch, 4 tablespoons baking powder, 5 tablespoons hot coconut coconut oil 4-5 drops of tea tree oil (odor)

Preparation: In
a bowl, add all the ingredients and mix well until smooth. Transfer this paste you have prepared into
a roll -on bottle or a jar. Like a deodorant, you can apply this to your armpit.
1. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is a great ingredient in reducing the pH level of the skin . Even if you have sensitive skin, you can get rid of bad odors by applying lemon juice to your armpits. How Does? Cut a lemon in half and rub it on your armpits. If your skin is sensitive, you can apply this process with the help of cotton.
2. Apple cider vinegar
Vinegar is another great home remedy to get rid of underarm odors. It also makes you feel fresh.
Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar. Rub your armpit with this cotton ball. However, be careful not to use any deodorant during this process.
You can also put apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle and spray it on the armpits after bathing.
One point you should pay attention to is;
Applying vinegar after shaving may cause a burning sensation. So start the application at least two days after shaving.
3. Sage
Sage is a plant that helps in reducing sweat production and has the ability to prevent bacteria effective on the skin. It also has a natural scent that hides body odor. You can mix olive oil and sage oil in equal amounts and apply to your armpit every day.

Apart from that, to get rid of armpit odors;

If you sweat a lot, you can bathe twice a day.
Drink plenty of water.
Shave the underarm area regularly.
Wear cotton clothes.
Provide a healthy and balanced diet.
Avoid eating garlic and ginger.
Avoid stress.
Avoid caffeinated beverages.