Vegan Products Will Increase

Vegan eating style has entered our lives more in recent years. 30 years customers for accurate and reliable exchange of addresses to be in order to study the ongoing Metro close to 100 in Turkey shelf giving the place a vegan products vegan diet who prefer the needs of the sanitary products from karşılıyor.temel food, Turkish cuisine are indispensable to the product of up to breakfast choices from vegan substitute vegetable-based buluşurken many products to consumers in Metro Turkey shelf, target until the end of 2021, according to the vegan diet to keep products in all categories.

For the first time, November 1 World Vegan Day, celebrated in the UK to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vegan Society, has been celebrated with different activities since then, considering the benefits of veganism to humanity, nature and animals.

Veganism, in which animal products are not consumed, has been more common in recent years. Studies show that the sales of herbal-based food products have increased in the last three years. On the other hand, while herbal-based food products constituted 20% of all products in the retail sector in 2018; The sales amount of these products in 2019 was 5 billion dollars. It is stated that the most sold vegetable-based products in 2019 are milk and meat. In addition to all these, the demand for these foods has increased significantly during the pandemic period, where people attach more importance to healthy nutrition. During the pandemic period, sales of herbal-based products increased by 148% compared to last year.