Wasted Food

Bread is considered sacred. Bread is a basic need, according to many, it means being full and living. There are idioms in our language such as “earning bread money”, “let the bread multiply”, “take your bread off the stone”. It also means sharing bread. Another proverb is, “Whoever eats his bread alone carries his burden alone.” Bread also reminds us of our childhood. Pieces of bread that we added to noodle soup when we were sick; the bread we spread with jam and eat; the bread we use for our favorite sandwich… Has anyone not eaten that top of hot bread as a child? We all have a breaded memory.

It’s surprising that, while so valuable, bread is one of the most wasted foods in the world, right? Every year, 900 thousand tons of bread is thrown away. This means 24 million slices of bread. If we look at the basis of calories, this figure is enough to save 26 million people from hunger. It’s not just household waste; There is also a serious waste in the process from the field to the bakery.
In Turkey, every year 33 billion, 120 million are produced daily bread. Is not it too much? Very. This production exceeds the need and demand. According to research, 3 million of the daily waste of bread that is close to 5 million are in bakeries, 1.5 million at home and 0.5 million in mass consumption areas such as dining halls, restaurants and hotels.