We Blended Scandinavian Style With Different Styles

Scandinavian style, which is the favorite of recent years, is now gaining new interpretations by blending with the styles of different countries. The calm and peaceful northern style gained new interpretations by moving away from simplicity and including different styles. Whether Scandinavian styles have been colored, revived or others have been simplified, it’s hard to decide. But like the globalizing world, decoration styles are increasingly intertwined.

  • MARINE SCANDINAVI Support the color white of the Scandinavian style with marine themes. You can create peaceful spaces with the refreshing colors of the beaches and natural materials. Use sand beige, turquoise to navy blues and red with stripes, leaf and shell patterns. Materials: Wicker mesh, linen, porcelain and transparent glass creating a play of light.
  • ALWAYS THE MOST FUNCTIONAL The most important feature of the Scandinavian style is the products that evaluate every area and offer many functions together. Of course, it is not possible to ignore this feature when making style blends. For example, you can achieve this effect by adding small wheels to an old retro coffee table. By hanging vintage detailed open shelving units one under the other, you can paint a bookcase or a wooden case white and make a bedside table.
  • ETHNIC AND RETRO SCANDINAVE The styles that best balance neutral colors and forms are retro with vibrant motifs, ethnic and naive furniture. If you like movement, blend it with ethnic textiles. Northern white houses warmed with spice hues are a good alternative for those who prefer eclectic styles. Retro forms, on the other hand, are not that against the Scandinavian style. When blended with geometric patterns, contemporary and warm living spaces emerge. For color, you can give a more masculine mood by choosing black, dark blue and gray tones, and you can add more femininity with colors such as orange, cinnamon red, green.
  • NATURALIST SCANDINAVY You can create naturalist themes when you use modern furniture made of northern spruce and Finnish pine trees by combining them with unprocessed materials such as raw chipboard, plank and wood. Textured hard textile products such as animal hide, fur, leather, felt and wool are the warm details of a northern decoration. Brighten up this style blend with a slightly industrial effect with dark beige, brown and natural tones.
  • COLOR DIFFERENCE The main color of the Scandinavian countries is of course white and an alternative to this is cream. The reason for this is to illuminate the dark indoor air of the long winter months with white reflecting light. Therefore, white and its derivatives are frequently used in walls, furniture and textiles. Do not repeat the nobility of color in other styles that you combine with the north. This creates an extremely monotonous and boring effect. In fact, isn’t your aim in including other styles in this decoration is a pinch of color and a measure pattern?