We Set Out for Strong Immunity

  • One of the five words we’ve heard most in eight months is immunity. I mean, we all know more or less what it is, but it’s still all a little bit up in the air. Since it’s a priority, more details, please. Especially if you’re someone like me who likes to research and tamper with everything he doesn’t know very well, that he’s curious about, you don’t settle for what’s in the pocket.


  • The first step is to purification, it is not possible to increase immunity without cleaning. Those who keep immunity aflo long are good sleep, nutrition from nature, not taking processed food, being peaceful and taking stress out of your life, loving, being loved, thankful, moving.
  • The body is a whole, we cannot keep our physical structure separate from our physical and social environment due to our mental and spiritual structure. Our mental and mental health is the important cornerstone of our immunity today. Meditation, focus, enjoying life, meaning life are very important immune factors.
  • Chat with pleasant, cheerful people. Eat less. Prefer natural vegetables and fruits as the main source of food. Take vitamins C, D, A, load turmeric, ginger, zinc, Omega-3.


  • Eating less, feeding instead of eating, that is, putting healthy cells in the body, not empty loads, nutrients that lead to strong immunity. To keep vitamins C and D above as vitamin supplements, to get support such as zinc, probiotics, turmeric.
  • Now we hear a lot of “it’s important to eat well/not go hungry”. What’s the connection between nutrition and immunity? “Don’t go hungry” brings to mind: is detox objectionable in times like the pandemic?
  • Hunger is divided into mental and physical: nowadays, those who read this journal can only have mental hunger. Physical hunger is a very distant concept for most of us in today’s world, it can happen maybe once or twice a year. Feeding is giving the body what it needs, which is not so difficult. What we eat for our mind does not feed us, it gives us temporary pleasure (but causes us to poison it permanently). What do you suggest to those who want to do something good for themselves? Not everyone can detox or go to such a center…
  • In summary, it is to draw your eating and drinking range somewhere between 6-8 hours. So if you eat at 6:00 in the evening and feed liquids until 12:00 the next day, you’re fasting intermittently in a way that doesn’t require digest. With vegetable juice days or fruit-based nutrition, you can also help strengthen immunity by resting the body and digestive system.