What Are The Benefits Of Lemon To The Skin And Hair?

Citrus fruits vitamin C is mentioned the first thing that comes to mind when the benefits to the skin of the lemon, it’s not so foreign to human beings. For almost a thousand years human beings as a source of healing and beauty that is accepted by a natural antioxidant nutrients and bacteria, there are plenty of ways.

1.Cleans your skin

Vitamins and lemons nitrate-rich and they are famous for its cleansing properties. Lemon juice on your skin your skin of blackheads and dead skin clean but the shooter has the effect of the destroyer. The beauty of it is the lack of difficult to do this, just hover the lemon on your face for 5 minutes and divide in half. Rinse with cold water.

2.Even your skin tone can change.

Blackheads and pimples than anything else, making them much your skin cannot be destroyed. Thankfully, some studies the effect of significantly reducing the acid in the Citrus has proven to have blemishes on your face.

In addition, it penetrates the skin quickly destroy stains and lemon juice only vitamins helps heal skin wounds or acne scars easily. Lemon tonic onto a cotton ball and wipe it with just tighten your skin just like you did with it. Then rinse with cold water.

3.Whiten nails

Stir in 3 tbsp olive oil and 1 tablespoon of the lemon juice, the mixture obtained rub your nails. This mixture your nails will turn white. The acid in lemons destroys the remains of the sararttig whitens nails and nail Polish on the nail. In a mixture of olive oil moisturizes.

4.Opens the color of your hair

Have you ever considered lemon juice syrup to get that natural glow to your hair? Try it once, it really works. World-renowned hair expert Robert J. Dorin, lemon juice hair lightener qualities encounters with the sun’s Rays has noticed that. If you want to try, mix the lemon juice with warm water in a spray bottle or container. That lasted all of your hair in the sun, and then wait for a while and witness for yourself the results.

5.Softens your dry elbows

Exhibit properties like animation and lemon face cleaning, smoothing, is very successful in dry places! Lemon juice, baking powder, and sprinkle with salt. You can adjust dose to obtain a mixture using macunumsu. Then rub this mixture on your elbows.

6.It is difficult to control dandruff

Water, ginger root, lemon juice and olive oil mixture, gradually reduce dandruff in your hair and ensures that you do not. Mix all apply to your hair, let it dry, and then wash with shampoo.

7.Corrects skin color

Outdoor activity that you can do for your skin’s seen the sun during the winter months the days are limited. But this doesn’t mean you have to ride with a face like orange peel. Half a lemon rub or sun should be polished to give the impression of the places you want. Process can be repeated until you reach the look you want and the color.