What Can You Do For Long Lasting Makeup?

Ingredients Required for Makeup Fixing Spray

A clean spray bottle


rose water

Drinking water

Glycerin is the most natural moisturizer and rose water is the most natural tonic that is good for acne. As you can see, you need very little ingredients. First of all, let’s talk about the points you need to pay attention to. The spraying feature of the spray bottle you will use must be of high quality. If you pay attention to the bottles of face sprays you have purchased, you will see that the product is evenly distributed evenly on your face. If your spray bottle is gushing in one spot, you can be sure that you will shorten the life of your makeup rather than extend it.

Another point to be considered is the proportions of the products. If you miss the glycerin ratio too much, you will have a sticky feeling. If you miss the rose water too much, the odor of roses combined with glycerin can be delighted. That’s why we use some drinking water.

The makeup fixing spray you will make is very long-lasting. You don’t need to make it fresh every time. Therefore, you should adjust the rates according to the bottle you will use. Fill your bottle with 1/3 glycerin, 1/3 rose water, 1/3 drinking water and shake well. Always keep your bottle in the fridge to get the refreshing effect. It’s that simple!

1/3 ratios are generally known. You can adjust these proportions according to your own skin type. For example, if you have very oily skin; You can increase the rose water by reducing the glycerin a little more. Likewise, if you have very dry skin that needs moisture; You can add a click more glycerin and reduce it from rose water.