What is a Plant-Based Diet

  • With the recent increase in environmental awareness and the value given to health, many people may choose to reduce or completely remove animal products in their nutrition plan. You may even notice that there are wider options in this regard in grocery stores and menus. Have you ever heard the term ‘Plant Based Diet’?
  • In this nutrition plan, it is recommended to limit processed foods and packaged foods in the same way. In other words, it is based on health improvement. Processed foods can be found among vegan foods, plant based diet is separated by veganism at this point.
  • I always state that we have great respect for vegan individuals. Because the term “vegan” actually covers lifestyle options beyond diet. A vegan lifestyle is aiming not to harm animals in any way, including products used or purchased. This usually include clothing, personal care products, shoes, accessories and household items.
  • Since animal-derived foods are not consumed in such nutrition plans, it becomes more important to place dry legumes, oilseeds, cereals and vegetables in the diet to meet protein needs.
  • When we completely remove animal-derived nutrients from our lives, deficiencies can be seen in nutrients such as vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, iron and zinc. In vegan individuals, for example, vitamin B12 from animal sources is often a question mark.
  • Iodine levels were measured as low in inadequasis in vegan individuals. Iodine mineral has many important task in the body, especially energy metabolism. Vegetables containing iodine include spinach, soybeans, chard, zucchini. Vegan individuals can consume these vegetables, use salt preference in favor of iodine salt. So they can support the body’s iodine needs.