What Is Epoxy Table? How

Managed to attract attention with epoxy tables designs of recent times, as the trend emerges. In this article, what, how, and you will be able to find epoxy table models.

Epoxy table, given a particular shape by carving stumps from special trees once, with the gaps being filled with epoxy material is emerging. At the same time, the bonding strength is very strong, which ‘epoxy’ and the repair is used as a material for flooring in many areas. Epoxy, heat, moisture against shock and durable material. In recent years, home and office decoration decor decor tables as well as the aesthetic appearance of epoxy fore a lot of useful and long-lasting use, is seen as an option. For this reason, if you want to create a different design and home decoration for you, you can choose the table epoxy.

The type of wood has a very important place in the construction of the epoxy table. A long-lasting structure has mostly to the fact that solid wood or walnut trees are preferred.

I will talk about the general steps of the construction of the epoxy table. By performing these steps table, coffee table, or coffee table such as you can do many home decorating tool. However, the table must be placed by you in accordance to the needs and the size of the area. Therefore, the measure will not be very accurate.

Epoxy Table Made

Epoxy table in the construction of the materials to be used are as follows; the type of wood you want to use for the table (that I mentioned above could be one of the species tree), epoxy resin and hardener lacquer, hand engraving cutter for the process, drawing the pen for the operation, according to the choice of wood glue to the various accessory products accessory products

If you want to create a specific shape of the wood you’ve chosen a product with the fact that it has a smooth structure is quite important. However, if you want to create a natural look without specifying a figure may have a smooth structure.

First, we want to talk about ways that you can draw upon. Because of the perception that creates epoxy table designs are usually colorful and rich rivers and streams such as the declarations are made. If you want a shape that resembles a table like this, you can draw on the stream. However, if you want to do more free in the ways you can use a different design, you can opt declarations.

Drawn with pencil on the wood smooth shape, hand carving and milling machine along with the figure I need to create holes. You should be careful not to give too much depth. For example, if Wood has a thickness of 3 cm, 1.5 cm of it you got to dig. Otherwise, it does not leak when you pour epoxy resin and molds to mess around you will need to use a preservative, such as at the bottom. This first trial is a risky step. Half of the wood carving and therefore would be a more practical shape to process.

You should exercise the same care in the edges of the wood. The epoxy has been spilled or three that can be transmitted in place you should be careful not to leave open. So, a better description of the shapes that are drawn on the wood if necessary you can think of it as a small pool. If the edges oyduy more inadvertently, the shutdown process is the plastic material you can choose. Just plastic epoxy does not adhere to the material. Therefore, after returning to epoxy, you can take off the plastic material. You can choose plastic objects in the selection of accessories. You need to paste into the bottom of the selected objects carved out of wood.

For more epoxy resin are provided in the next step, and the process of pouring several separate spilling into the shape you must interrupt processing. On the first floor you can destroy the air bubbles formed by pouring approximately 1 cm. Pouring the grooves of the second floor and the third floor, then you need to fill out completely. You should wait until the epoxy material to dry for about 1 day. After drying process and suitable for use by your work desk zimparalayar vernikleyer you can make. You should get help from creativity in the construction of the epoxy table completely. Original decorated with a shape that appeals to your tastes and you can also create a custom piece…