What Is Microblading Nov Contour?

Your muscles, affects to a large extent the effect of the eyes and the expression on your face. However, some genetic reasons or as a result of incorrect operation may not have the muscle that you want. If you are not satisfied with the dealer if in the last period, widely used, and healthy method which is a process with microblading you can have contour Nov muscles you want. Microblading method may show your eyes more prominent or your flaws, you can turn off according to your needs.

What Is Microblading?

Mikroblading preferred method of permanent makeup application is one of many people in recent years. Personalized also with the help of sterile needles and permanent makeup application is processed under the skin. Nov microblading pen in your region is drawn in this process, and is determined by the shapes of your muscles. Quick and careful work the muscles, such as the result of two hours after a period of time you can get you want.

New all the processing is done from the moment your muscles will be gained. You can continue your life without a wound or the like in a relaxed manner. The process only after you apply, where is the procedure performed, you will need to be sensitive in that area for about 10 days. At the same time, during this period, also, you should avoid using products on your skin care and makeup. The healing process should be touched in that area until it is completely over.

Microblading is compared with false information about the application as the application of the tattoo. The layers of the skin during the tattooing process when you get to microblading practice this is out of the question. When filling in the inside of your muscles with this process region in Nov tattoos are drawn individually.

How Long Is Permanent Microblading Method?

After you’ve decided to have the operation Nov contour how long this process is one of the most asked questions is permanent. Literally microblading permanent makeup application is not an application. First of all, you need to know your skin type while performing this operation. Nov contour has increased while the viability of the application if you have dry skin if you have an oily skin type, the persistence of the process will be short-lived.

Also we must not forget that the cells in your facial area would quickly regenerate. Your skin type dry, even in the region where the application was made as the cells are refreshed on Nov the impact of the paint will be reduced. As an average year over a period of the operation when it is not will have the effect of the repetition of paint completely.