What Is Secret Of Pretzel?

Pretzels are a traditional German bread shaped into a pretzel knot made from a long loop of dough that’s twisted back onto itself. All pretzels are given a lye/alkaline water bath that gives pretzels their signature shiny chewy crust and undeniable pretzel flavor. Pretzels come in hard (snacking pretzels) and soft, like these ones and the ones you find at the mall at Auntie Anne’s.
What makes a pretzel a pretzel?
While there are many pretzel shaped foods out there (I’m looking at you tiny pretzel-shaped Danish butter cookies), what makes a pretzel a pretzel is the alkaline bath the unbaked pretzel takes before it is baked.
But then I kind of sabotaged us by popping an extra one into a paper bag and putting it into my giant cardigan sweater pocket. Let me tell you, the smell of a fresh pretzel in your pocket will drive you crazy, in a good way. Thankfully, we were able to put ourselves out of our pretzel craving torture, by eating the pretzel, of course. There was something especially celebratory and fall-ish, walking around sharing a soft pretzel in that crisp autumn air.