What Is Sweat? Why Do We Sweat?

Research shows that there are many benefits of sweating. And you can reduce the stench by following some simple tips. Read on to know what sweat is, why we sweat, the reason behind sweat odor and how to reduce it, and the benefits of sweating. 

Sweat is the “fluid that exits the body through pores in the skin, usually due to physical stress and/or high temperature for the purpose of regulating body temperature and removing certain compounds from the circulation”

Sweating helps your body to cool down when the body temperature rises. A mix of salt, water, and toxins is excreted in the form of sweat from the sweat glands . Talking about sweat glands, there are two types – eccrine and apocrine.

The eccrine sweat glands are present all over the body and on the soles of the feet. The eccrine sweat glands produce about 500 mL – 750 mL of sweat per day . The apocrine sweat glands are present in the armpits, the nipples and areolar tissue of the breasts, ears, eyelids, and groin area.