What is the Easiest Origami Flower to Make? A Beginner’s Guide

When I was curious about origami, what is the easiest origami flower to make was the first question I searched on the internet. After that easy origami flower, simple origami flower and here we are. The art of origami involves the intricate folding of a piece of paper, and it’s truly remarkable how something as simple as a square piece of paper can be transformed into a stunning paper flower or an entire paper bouquet. Thanks to a wealth of online resources, you can easily find step-by-step tutorials for making all sorts of origami creations, including traditional origami, kusudama flowers, origami lotus flower, and origami tulip.

Easy Origami Flower Guide

Easy Origami Flower Guide

An origami paper flower is a heartfelt and thoughtful gift for Mother’s Day or simply as a way to brighten up a space. Even if you’re new to the art of origami, you can easily create a simple origami flower by following a flower origami tutorial or by searching for phrases such as “how to make origami flower” or “how to do an origami flower” online. With a little patience and practice, you’ll soon be able to create stunning origami flowers on your own.Before we move on to how to make an origami flower step by step, let’s go through the pages of the encyclopedia about origami. If you want to take a look at a detailed description and history besides our abbreviated description, you can reach Britannica.

What Is Origami

What Is Origami ?

Origami is an artistic technique that involves folding paper to create both 2D and 3D objects. This paper-folding art is commonly known as origami, derived from the Japanese words “oru”, which means “to fold,” and kami, which means “paper.” Despite some European historians’ belief that origami has been practiced independently in various parts of the world, the term origami has become the universal label for this craft. Also, origami is not a simple technique to make just an easy origami flower. It has several styles.

how to make an origami flower step by step

1. Realistic,

involves creating intricate patterns that accurately depict the subject’s major characteristics, requiring several processes to accomplish.

how do you make an origami flower

2. Minimal,

is an art form that emphasizes simplicity, using only a few folds to capture the essence of the subject.

3. Modular,

involves creating a collection of geometric “units” made from several sheets of paper folded in flaps and pockets to create polygons or polyhedra. Typically, only a few folds are used for all sheets.

4. Composite,

involves using numerous sheets of paper folded uniquely to actualize various aspects of the subject, much like modular origami, although it was more popular in the 1950s and 1960s.

how to do an origami flower

5. Practical,

consists of creating models that can be used in the real world, such as plates, cups, envelopes, boxes, and so on.

6. Pureland,

which originated from Englishman John Smith, uses only square paper and “mountain” and “valley” folds to construct models that are easy to replicate.

7. Tessellations,

is a geometric folding technique that forms an image using the pattern of folded paper edges. Tessellations can be flat or three-dimensional and frequently repeat, with some showing additional structure when exposed to light. As expected, mathematicians are among the most significant users of this technique.

how to make origami flower

8. Wet folding,

is a technique invented by Akira Yoshizawa, where paper is slightly wet before folding and includes a water-soluble glue called sizing. The moisture allows the paper to be folded into flexible curves, which become more durable as the paper dries.

9. Crumpled,

is a folding technique invented by Paul Jackson and Vincent Floderer that involves crumpling the paper first. This method can create incredibly lifelike biological shapes.

Easy Origami Flower Tutorial : Lily

Easy Origami Flower Tutorial : Lily

Today our easy origami flower is going to be Lily. After this tutorial you will get these questions frequently as a master of easy origami flower;

  • how do you make an origami flower
  • how to make an origami flower step by step
  • how to make origami flower
  • how to do an origami flower

May the tutorial be with you master.

You Will Need

  • If you can find:
    • 1 sheet square paper (about 15 – 20 cm²)
  • Otherwise:
    • 1 sheet colorful paper larger than 15 cm²
    • 1 scissors or utility knife [! adult supervision required for utility knife]
    • 1 ruler longer than 15 cm (to measure and helping to fold)
    • 1 pencil

Total Time

  • Approximately 20 minutes

Although simple, it may take longer than expected, especially for first-timers. The important thing is that you learn while having fun. So let’s see easy origami flower step by step.

How To Make An Origami Flower-Lily

How To Make An Origami Flower Step By Step

  • First of all make sure that there is efficient light to see every detail such as cutting edges straight, folding lines.
  • Clear workspace, clear work, clear consequences.
  • Make sure your workspace is clear to work easily.

1st Step : Make the Initial Folds

  • If you have two-toned paper, start with the white side up.
  • Fold the paper diagonally in half and unfold.
  • Fold the paper diagonally the other way, then unfold.
  • Two diagonal creases should now be visible.
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2nd Step : First Flip then Fold

  • Turn the sheet of paper over.
  • Fold and unfold the paper as shown.
  • As shown, fold the paper in half.
  • Hold the bottom triangle and open the top right area, bringing it down to meet the bottom point.
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3rd Step : Make a Square Foundation

  • Flatten out the center crease.
  • Squeeze the top section. This is known as a square base.
  • The open end should be at the top.
  • As shown, fold one layer of the right edge into the center.
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4th Step : Fold to the Center

  • As shown, fold one layer of the left section to the center.
  • Extend the folds you just made.
  • Open up and flatten one layer from the right.
  • This is what you should have.
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5th Step : Make Sure Repeat Three Times

  • Step #4: Complete all of the mini-steps for the remaining three layers.
  • Make sure the model looks like this, with the layers flipped so that the solid section is visible.
  • Fold the right edge of the paper into the center.
  • Fold the left edge of the paper into the center.
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6th Step : Now You Got The Answer of How To Make Easy Origami Flower

  • Fold the remaining three layers in the same manner.
  • Fold one layer all the way down from the top.
  • Fold the remaining three layers in the same manner.
  • Congratulations on a well-executed origami lily!
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